The information available through the Water Development Plan Dashboard provides North Dakota’s broad spectrum of water stakeholders, elected officials, Department of Water Resources (DWR), and State Water Commission (SWC) members with the most up-to-date project information available to plan for, and support our state’s highest water development priorities.
Water Development Plan & Dashboard
Educational Campaigns
The DWR publishes various digital educational campaigns aimed to provide information on North Dakota’s water resources, the agency’s initiatives, and other updates. Our current campaign is titled The Watershed Thread, a 3-part series that explains the importance and impact of watersheds. You can read our past educational campaigns, or sign up to receive further campaigns
The Current - December
The Current is a quarterly Department of Water Resources newsletter that provides the latest agency-specific information concerning water development, regulatory and appropriation efforts, water education, policy changes, Water Commission meeting highlights, and much more. We hope you find the content interesting, useful, and insightful.
Join Our Team! - Career Opportunities
The DWR has a variety of exciting job openings. Please review the job links below and consider submitting an application!
Water & Construction Permit Application Status Page
DWR has launched a Water Permit and Construction Permit Status webpage. The purpose of this new tool is to 1) allow water permit applicants to look up the permits for which they’ve applied, and to see where those permits are in relation to priority with other permits, and 2) for construction permit applicants to quickly find their permit application, view its status, and review other associated information. The application status webpage was created for greater public transparency to the DWR water appropriation and construction permitting processes.